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HomeBlogIn exams, de-stress with Tosfrit

In exams, de-stress with Tosfrit

Okay, these weeks you are probably overwhelmed with final exams. The usual dilemma is whether to go to the library in pajamas or sleep all afternoon to study in silence at night. But who doesn’t need a break to forget about all the stress? During exams, destress with Tosfrit.

We promise that with these simple steps, you’ll really make the most of your time today. Besides, going to the library has its charm… and seeing the faces of other equally stressed-out classmates helps you feel better. Of course, you have to rest when it’s time. But how?

Take a snack break

Taking regular breaks is a MUST. And we all know this if we’ve studied for final exams in January. But how? Well, one option is to take a 5-minute break after finishing each unit. In those 5 minutes, you can do whatever you want… go to the bathroom, follow us on Instagram, or go down to the kiosk to get some Apetinas. But what is mandatory is taking a break for a snack. That’s how it goes! Going to the library is cool not because you’re glued to the book all afternoon, but because you can take these breaks with your classmates, discuss how stressed you are, share some snacks, and approach the next topics with more enthusiasm than ever.

And, well, if you accompany that special moment (the favorite of the day during exam season) with some Totas, Apetinas Ketchup, or Panojitos, you’ll be on top. Keep in mind that each snack can give you a different mood:

  • Totas will fill you with concentration, so you’ll approach the topics with more enthusiasm than ever. The flavor is up to you!
  • Apetinas Ketchup will relieve any built-up tension. Who hasn’t shared Apetinas with friends at least once in their life? Remember that moment and relax.
  • Panojitos help you destress. That’s just how it is. The cheesy flavor, a refreshing drink, and your classmates are the perfect kit as a reward for your immense effort.

So, you know it! Snack time, it’s snack time. And if you’re at the library, even better in good company! And no, don’t look at me like that! Don’t you take those “breaks” when you’re studying? Well, take advantage of them and do them right! Come on, we’re not in The Truman Show, don’t lie to me. If we celebrate Christmas, we can also celebrate exam season. Have a happy study afternoon, everyone! And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok to share your best moments with us.